A Remarkable Patient’s Journey

For the month of May 2013, I embarked upon a journey to Cambodia with Global Youth Volunteer Network. This was my second trip with this wonderful organization which works to mobilize Canadian youth to make a positive change in their world.

My team was first based in Phnom Penh, the capital city, where we taught English in schools, which provide education to children from the poorest communities of Cambodia.

For the second half of the month, we lived with a Buddhist monk and his family in their remote village outside of Phnom Penh. Here, we worked with our host in his community to build a kitchen house for his school. Living in a village with no electricity, running water, or connection to the outside world is an experience that I will continue to look back on.

I’d like to extend a special thank you to Dr. Chai for making generous donations toward my volunteer trips two years in a row. Supporting one’s community was a prevalent theme on my trip this year, so thank you for your continuous support within your client community!

– Angela Talarico


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