Anxiety Free Dentistry

Healthy Smiles Without The Old Emotions 

Anxiety-free dentistry is becoming a common phrase as we are all aware of the anxiety of a dental visit. A number of different reasons may cause a person to skip their bi annual dental visits. The main reason being anxiety due to a past traumatic experience, horror stories they have heard from family or friends, the sound of a drill, or embarrassment due to lack of proper oral hygiene.

It is estimated that 20% of people are scared or have a dental phobia of going to the dentist and up to 50% have some sort of reservation. These dental anxieties can lead to people not seeing the dentist even when they have a toothache!

There is no need to fear dental visits anymore due to anxiety free dentistry. You can put your reservations aside and go to your dental visit knowing you will have a stress and anxiety free visit with the option of sedation dentistry and the ability to sleep through your procedure.

Dr Chai can put you at ease, answer all your questions, and assist you in formulating a plan for your oral health. They will explain all your options and put you on the road to a lifetime of stress free dental visits.

Sedation dentistry can help you to not worry about your dental work and you won’t feel a thing. You can sleep through your cleaning or dental work without a care in the world and pain free.

Sedation dentistry or anxiety free dentistry is becoming more popular today. The use of medications, nitrous oxide to calm the patients nerves and helps to make them unaware of the procedures being done and calms the nerves to allow regular dental visits.

Anxiety free dentistry also gives you the option of you being semi conscious during your dental procedure. During your initial visit with your sedation dentist, you will be explained what will be done during your procedure.

You will then be given some medication you will take on the morning of your dental procedure. You will be awake but drowsy for your appointment. You will require someone to drive you to and from your appointment.

You may be given a local anesthetic injection to prevent any pain during your procedure. Depending on the procedure being done will depend on the medication used as some will provide pain control for a short time or for up to 12 hours.

The injection will be the most stressful part of your dental visit. You need to tell your dentist or staff that you are afraid and they will do everything they can to minimize any anxiety you have over them.

You will be relaxed during your visit. Awake or asleep, but stress free and feeling no pain. Your vitals will be monitored closely and you will be able to speak if you wish.

When your procedure is done, you will be sent home to recover in your own relaxed surroundings and you will be smiling and un-anxious.

If you have any reservations about going to the dentist, please give us a call at 1-877-283-0497 and let us tell you all about anxiety free dentistry and put your mind at ease.

We are conveniently located one block west of Highway 11 near the Old Bradford Library.

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Monday: 8:30am to 7pm
Tuesday: 9am to 7pm
Wednesday: 9am to 7pm
Thursday: 9am to 7pm 
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed