
Preventing and Repairing Cavities For Long Term Pain-Free Health

Cavities â€“ OUCH! With a throbbing tooth ache all you can think of is needles and pain and your fear of seeing a dentist. So you want to do everything you can to prevent them before having to face your worst fears and looking for toothache relief, you need to know what causes them and what you can do to help stop them from becoming a reality. Also remember that tooth decay, which causes cavities, will also affect the impact of your smile and no one wants that.

Tooth decay is the cause of all cavities and this decay is an oral health condition that is the result of the breakdown of tooth enamel. This decay is often a result of our dietary choices as much of what we eat contains sugars and starches. When sugars and starches remain on the teeth, then plaque combines with mouth bacteria which produce the acids that damage the tooth enamel and this, in turn, causes tooth decay.

So, needless to say, we must all maintain a healthy diet and good oral hygiene in order to avoid or reduce tooth decay. As long as you visit your dentist for regular checkups, he/she can detect any decay before it reaches a nerve and he/she will then fix your tooth by removing that decay and filling the cavity with a dental filling. BUT if the decay is left untreated and reaches a nerve, you will probably need a root canal to save your tooth and that is something that none of us want to think about.

Tooth decay, which causes cavities, affects both children and adults and, in fact, is the single most common chronic childhood disease. Parents must start preventing tooth decay with the baby teeth as they help your children to chew naturally and speak normally and clearly and they are also important as they provide a place for permanent teeth to grow in properly.

Tooth decay which causes cavities can also threaten your overall general health. Periodontitis (inflammation of the supporting structures of the teeth) can cause tooth and oral bone loss, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases (emphysema) and it may increase the risk of a low birth weight for your baby. And sadly, it can also cause a premature birth which no parent wants.

Tooth ache symptoms and signs of cavities:

  • A regular checkup with your dentist who will check your mouth and do X-rays
  • Throbbing Tooth aches
  • Jaw pain
  • When you look in your own mouth and see cracks or dark spots
  • Pus around a tooth
  • Red, swollen or bleeding gums
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet foods
  • Pain when you bite down
  • Loose teeth

Habits that lead to cavities:

  • Eating sugars, starches and acids
  • No regular checkups
  • No regular cleaning of your teeth by the dentist
  • Improper brushing
  • No flossing
  • Dry mouth

Now for the good news. There are ways of preventing most cavities by controlling tooth decay and they are as follows:

  • Brush twice a day, at least, with a toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Floss daily to remove food debris
  • Keep a healthy diet of nutritious foods
  • Avoid snacks and drinks that are high in sugar
  • Have regular checkups
  • Have regular cleanings
  • Use an antimicrobial mouth rinse
  • Have a protective coating (dental sealant placed on the biting surfaces of back teeth
  • Keep your mouth moist to wash away food particles
  • Regular dental checkups can save your teeth from cavities call 1-877-283-0497 for tooth ache relief and to book an appointment time that is convenient for you.

We are conveniently located one block west of Highway 11 near the Old Bradford Library.

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Tuesday: 9am to 7pm
Wednesday: 9am to 7pm
Thursday: 9am to 7pm 
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed