Bridge Or Implant—Which Is Best?

Bridge Or Implant?

No two mouths are exactly alike. Let’s look at your tooth replacement options. Bridge or Implant—either way, we would love to help you decide on the best course of action.



Dental Bridges


Bridges are dental prosthetics attached to your remaining teeth. A bridge will have to be replaced eventually and involves shaving down the two opposing teeth. If your opposing teeth are completely compromised, this may be too drastic an option.

Dental Implants


At Bradford Family Dentistry, we recommend dental implants as the gold standard in tooth replacement. An implant acts as and literally replaces the root of your tooth. Implants do not involve loss of bone, and they last a long time—considerably longer than bridgework, although your crown may need replacing at some point.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. Our friendly staff would love to help.

~Dr. Chai (a.k.a. Dr. Tooth!)

Dr. Tooth


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