Bulimia And Teeth Damage

How Can Bulimia Cause Irreversible Damage To You Teeth?

bulimia and oral healthIt’s amazing how the human body works together, and each part can have an effect on other parts, both good and well, bad. Our body can give clues to what’s going on in our lives that we don’t tell anyone.

Bulimia nervosa (commonly called Bulimia) is considered an eating disorder typically by eating large amounts of food (binge) – and then by purging, trying to get rid of the extra calories consumed in an unhealthy way; such as inducing vomiting, misusing laxatives, diuretics (Purging bulimia) or even excessive exercise (Nonpurging bulimia).

So Why Talk About Bulimia With a Dentist?

You may think you’ve hidden it well, however, your dentist may already have some ideas of your secret, because your teeth have already told the story.

You may feel that your teeth are sensitive to food, heat, cold, or just hurt a lot in general. Not to mention crunchy food such as apples, croutons. Intense daily tooth pain is very common for bulimia sufferers due to enamel erosion. Damaged teeth and gums is often extensive with people with Bulimia, even after recovery from Bulimia.

In addition other commonly heard teeth issues are fillings falling out, cracked tooth (even from eating soft foods). Even if you don’t purge by vomiting, one’s body can be compromised (nutritional deficiencies) such that nutrients aren’t effectively making it back to the mouth for maintenance and repair. Vomiting is very acidic; this acid can wear down and weaken the enamel on the teeth, often permanently.

The one thing with teeth, we often take them for granted, and if one or more cracks or falls out – there’s no more minor fixes – the options are – a gap, a bridge or an implant.  There’s no un-do… that’s the biggest factor.  Many people have learned that the hard way, and had they known then, what they know now, they would have lived their lives differently. (Some have had to have dentures, even as young adults).

If your teeth are starting to appear worn, ragged, thinning, chipped or discoloured, it’s best to get it looked at right away, even if you don’t see any visible signs, that’s no indication of what could be happening at the roots – some who didn’t see anything and thought they had “gotten away” with any teeth problems due to bulimia found out later, that it wasn’t the case… better to have gone in and seen if some preventable measures were available. Fixing a lot of damaged teeth can be very expensive, especially replacing missing teeth; its time to realize there’s much more at stake to your overall health. See a dentist right away.

We have very friendly, sensitive staff, who are very approachable, gentle and understanding. If it makes you more comfortable, ask a friend or family member to come with you. Ask questions, especially if there’s anything at all that you would like clarification on, or are curious about.

For a consultation about how bulimia may be damaging your teeth and affecting your overall health, or any other questions you may have call 1-877-283-0497.


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