Get a Hollywood Smile With Just One Visit!

You can get a Hollywood smile in just one visit with a crown.

Crowns are an ideal way to restore teeth that have been broken, been badly weakened by decay or for teeth that have very large fillings that are deteriorating and breaking down. A crown could be used for a number of other reasons, such as:

*You may have very large Ugly Discolored fillings in your front teeth that you would like to have changed to improve your appearance; This is quite common and we get great results; or

*You may have had or need a root canal which often requires a crown to prevent future breakage of the tooth. This is quite common in your chewing teeth.

What is a crown made of?
Crowns can be made of a variety of different materials and new materials are being introduced all the time. Here are some of the most popular options:

*Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns: This is a crown that has both metal and layered Porcelain. The only problem is over time the porcelain can chip off the metal, and we can often see the metal under the gums, which give people this bluish halo under their gums.

*All-ceramic crowns: this modern material is metal free. It can give the strength of a bonded crown and the appearance of a porcelain crown. This makes it suitable for use in all areas of the mouth.

What is a ‘one-visit’ crown?
This is a fairly new type of crown that is made using computerized technology. The computer makes the crown in office in 8 to 15 minutes, so you can have the crown fitted on the same day. This means you don’t need to have a second appointment or have to where a temporary crown. It is so much more convenient and saves a lot of time!

How long will the crown last?
Properly cared for crowns should last for many years. It is not uncommon for crowns to last 10 or more years. At Bradford Family Dentistry, provided you do your part and see us every 6 months (every 3 months if you have gum disease) we will warranty your crowns for 5 years.

If you think you might need a crown and have questions you want to ask

Call Us Today To Book Your
FREE consultation with Dr. Jesse Chai
(905) 775-5307

The first 20 people will receive $100 off a crown procedure!
(Expires August 30th, 2013)


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