Happy Star Wars Day!

Happy Star Wars Day from Bradford Family Dentistry!

Anyone who is a patient of Dr. Chai knows he loooooves his Star Wars! So, in honour of Star Wars Day 2021 (“May the 4th be with you“), here is a new video message from your friendly neighbourhood dentist in Bradford:


As Dr. Chai said, if you’ve ever had any thoughts of undergoing a smile makeover, there is no better time than right now, when we are all wearing masks (perhaps that’s what Darth Vader is hiding). You can embark on dental treatment right now to improve your smile and no one needs to know what you’re doing (other than those in your own household, that is). There are so many options for cosmetic dentistry, and Dr. Chai can help you make the right decision for the smile goals you desire to achieve. Take a look at your smile makeover menu items:

Teeth Whitening


Perhaps the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in recent years, professional teeth whitening done by your dentist provides far superior results than the DIY whitening methods currently circulating on social media (see the risks of DIY teeth whitening you need to know about).

Come see Dr. Chai for a whitening consultation. He will determine if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening, and also if there are any other procedures that might need to be done first before applying whitening treatment in order to get the best results.

Professional teeth whitening is safe, effective, convenient, and painless. You should see an improvement of about eight shades in just over an hour. Following the treatment in our office, you will take home a whitening system to complete your treatment at home, and Dr. Chai will show you how to use it correctly.

When we are finally able to go out in public without a mask on, your teeth will be dazzling!

Teeth Veneers


If you have minor imperfections on your teeth that you would like to correct, teeth veneers may be a good option for you. Dr. Chai uses Lumineers — ultra-thin, wafer-like shells that he can place over the front of your damaged teeth with a bonding process. Common tooth issues that can be successfully fixed with veneers include chips, cracks, unevenness, discolouration, and other minor flaws.

Even though Lumineers are super thin, they are super durable at the same time, to protect your teeth from further damage. With proper care, your Lumineers can last up to 20 years without needing repairs or replacement.

The teeth veneer process is painless and quick. Because veneers typically don’t require the removal of any part of the tooth, there is no need for anesthesia — the veneers are placed directly over your existing teeth to cover whatever imperfections you wish to hide.

Dr. Chai can help you decide if veneers are right for you!

Dental Bonding


Dental bonding is a modern treatment used for many different dental issues, including:

  • Cavities — bonding resin is used nowadays instead of mercury amalgam to fill cavities. (FYI – Bradford Family Dentistry does NOT use mercury amalgam fillings at all in our clinic.) This resin not only fills the cavity, but also provides a protective layer over the filling that is matched to the colour of your tooth, so no one will see that you have a filling.
  • Gaps between teeth — dental bonding can be used quite nicely to quickly fill in any spaces between your teeth, resulting in a more even smile.
  • Cracked or chipped teeth — tooth-coloured bonding resin can quickly repair chips or cracks in your teeth.
  • Discoloured teeth — dental bonding is often used exclusively to treat discolouration on teeth.
  • Receding gums — bonding can be used to protect the part of your tooth that is exposed.

As you can see, dental bonding is surprisingly versatile in the many dental issues it can treat. Come see Dr. Chai for a consultation if you think dental bonding might be right for you!

Dental Implants


If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be a good candidate for dental implants. Implants are now the gold standard in tooth replacement, for good reason. Check out these benefits of dental implants:

  • Dental implants are about as close to real teeth as you can get, in both aesthetics and functionality
  • Implants prevent bone loss in the jaw, as the implant itself bonds to the jaw just like the root of a natural tooth
  • Implants are made of titanium, which is not rejected by the body
  • Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are so secure you can eat whatever you want
  • The dental implant procedure only takes a few hours of your time, and you can go right back to your life shortly afterward
  • Implants do not decay, saving you money on future dental visits

Dental implants have been one of the most significant advances in modern dentistry over the last 25 years. As long as you care for your implants properly they should last for your lifetime. Dr. Chai can confirm if you are a good candidate for implants.

Dental Crowns (The Same Day!)


Traditionally, the dental crown process required at least two visits, with several weeks in between waiting for the crown to be fabricated at an outside lab.

At Bradford Family Dentistry, we use CEREC 3D dental crown technology, which enables us to create a digital impression of your tooth using a camera (no more awful-tasting mold paste), prepare the actual crown on-site while you wait, and then bond it into place — all in one visit!

A dental crown is an enamel cap that is cemented onto the tooth for protection, and to improve the appearance. Dental crowns are an ideal treatment for the following dental issues:

  • If your teeth are damaged or a cavity has resulted in the loss of most of a tooth, dental crowns can restore them to their original shape and size
  • Teeth that are cracked, broken, weakened, severely worn-down, malformed, or discoloured can all be protected and/or restored using dental crowns
  • Dental crowns are part of the implant process:  after the implant has been inserted into the jaw, the crown (which has been made to look just like your natural teeth) is attached securely to the top

Great strides have been made in the dental industry in teeth restoration and replacement, and Dr. Chai is always on the cutting-edge of dental technology.



Braces are not just for teenagers anymore! You might be surprised at the number of adults choosing to fix their crooked teeth later in life. It’s never too late to achieve the straight teeth you’ve always wanted, and right now is the absolute perfect time to start your treatment, while no one outside your immediate family can see your mouth behind your mask.

There are many options for fixing crooked teeth, and Dr. Chai is an orthodontically-trained dentist who can help you decide which treatment is best for your situation.

Clear aligners such as Invisalign are tremendously popular, and for good reason. They provide all the straightening benefits without the visibility of metal braces in your mouth. Plus, you can still eat whatever foods you want with clear aligners because you can take them out to eat, unlike traditional braces which are affixed permanently on the teeth for the duration of treatment. However, some people may not be good candidates for clear aligners, but Dr. Chai can help you determine if they are right for you.

In a hurry for straight teeth? Then FASTBRACES might be what you’re looking for. They do just as their name implies:  they straighten your teeth fast! Typical treatment time for FASTBRACES is anywhere from 3 months to a year (compared with anywhere from 18-36 months for traditional braces treatment).

Again, come see Dr. Chai first for a consultation — he’s got the orthodontic expertise to advise you which teeth straightening treatment is right for you.

So, on this May the 4th Star Wars Day, don’t hide behind your mask any longer! (Well, just long enough till your treatment is finished 🙂 )

You CAN have the smile you’ve always wanted, and nothing thrills Dr. Chai more than helping his patients with their smile goals. Be ready, so that when we can ditch our masks for good, your smile is ready to shine bright!

Call us at Bradford Family Dentistry at 866-824-4393, or book an appointment here. You will never regret committing to a smile makeover!


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