Personal Dental Care – It’s Never Too Late

If you are guilty of poor personal dental care in the early years of your life (by not brushing regularly, by smoking a lot of cigarettes, drinking a lot of caffeine, etc.) you might now find yourself getting a bit self-conscious when you smile. Whether your teeth are exhibiting a yellowish tinge, or you are suffering from extreme sensitivity to hot or cold food and beverages, it’s never too late for you to up-level your personal dental care routine.

Can’t Smile Without YouPersonal-Dental-Care-Self-Conscious-Bradford-Family-Dentistry

Most people with a “normal” or average set of teeth don’t really realize the importance of their pearly whites until they experience problems with them.

Imagine this:  you use your mouth to communicate with people every day, and that means your teeth are exposed every time you speak with other people. If you are not confident about your teeth you may become self-conscious, which would greatly affect the way you interact with others.

Now do you realize the importance of maintaining a healthy set of teeth? If you do, then it’s high time you give a little more effort to your personal oral care.

Brush RegularlyPersonal-Dental-Care-Brush-and-Floss-Regularly-Bradford-Family-Dentistry

You don’t have to be a toothbrushing maniac and strictly brush your teeth after every single meal. What if you eat at least 8 times a day? Brushing your teeth 8 times a day would irritate the enamel of your teeth and may even make your gums tender, which in turn could make you more susceptible to gum irritation and gingivitis.

Most dentists would recommend that brushing the teeth at least 2 or 3 times a day is enough to maintain the cleanliness of the teeth and mouth.

If you are not satisfied with just brushing, you can floss as well (now you can do this after every meal, just make sure you know the right way to floss or you’ll end up with gums that bleed), or gargle with some mouthwash.

Get A Tongue CleanerPersonal-Dental-Care-Tongue-Cleaner-Bradford-Family-Dentistry

If you think that brushing and flossing alone is enough to help eliminate, manage, and control the halitosis-causing bacteria in your mouth, think again!

The bacteria are not only found in your teeth but they are also found on your tongue and in the “cheeks” of your mouth. Brushing alone will not help you achieve 100% fresh breath. You will need to clean your tongue and inner mouth cheeks as well.

You can do this by simply buying a tongue scraper. There are a lot of toothbrushes on the market today that have a built-in tongue and cheek cleaner. They may be a bit more expensive than regular toothbrushes, but they’re worth the extra money if they help you get a handle on bad breath.

Don’t Be Lazy With Your Personal Dental Care Personal-Dental-Care-Dont-Be-Lazy-Bradford-Family-Dentistry

There may be times when you arrive home very late at night, or you simply have had a rough, tiring day and you want to just crawl right into bed when you get home. You ditch brushing your teeth and then you justify your act by telling yourself “it’s only for tonight”, and then you go to sleep right away.

You might think this is a harmless act, but maybe it would help to know that going to sleep overnight without brushing your teeth gives the bacteria in your mouth ample time to multiply, which not only gives off a “deadly” mouth odour in the morning, but may contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.

Personal dental care is your responsibility to yourself. It is part of your daily hygiene, just like bathing and washing your hands, and it must not be neglected.

To get your oral care routine back on track, call us at 905-775-5307, or click here to schedule an appointment.


brush regularly, floss regularly, personal dental care, tongue cleaner

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