Trick or Treat – Dental Tips for Halloween

It’s no surprise that Halloween presents challenges to oral health and healthy diets. It’s nearly impossible to avoid candy around Halloween. The trick is to have a plan for how your kids can have their treats. Here are some of our best dental tips for Halloween.

Dental Tips For Halloween


Trick or Treat on a Full Stomach – This will help your child avoid the temptation to binge on the candy they collect as soon as they get home.

Time Your Child’s Candy Eating – Eat candy right after a meal, because saliva production increases during meals. This helps cancel acids from bacteria and helps wash away food particles.

Choose Which Candies to Eat – Avoid the worst Halloween candy for your teeth, including sticky candies like taffy or caramel, which cling to your teeth and are difficult to wash away. Chocolates, mini-candy bars, and similar treats that are swallowed quickly limit the amount of damage and decay and are considered the best candy for teeth.

Teach Moderation – Sweets certainly are a cause for much tooth decay, but even healthy alternatives, such as fruits, nuts, and crackers can promote tooth decay if eaten in excess.

Don’t Keep All the Candy – Limit the amount of candy your child can have. Have them choose their favorites, but keep in mind which are best for their teeth, and donate or share the rest.

Maintain Regular Oral Health Routines


Your child can still enjoy sweet treats on Halloween, but combine the sweets with food or water, and choose sugar-free varieties as much as possible. Don’t forget to brush and floss regularly, and schedule regular dental visits to ensure your child’s teeth are healthy year-round.


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